But first, what is it?
Hot/Cold Therapy involves a period exposed to heat (sauna or hot plunge), followed by exposure to cold (either a plunge in the ice bath or the contrast bucket shower). Also known as Contrast Therapy, there are many benefits to this technique:
Spike adrenaline levels and relieve pain and inflammation.
Decreases levels of certain hormones, like our stress hormone cortisol.
Activating ‘brown’ fat which helps to regulate your body temperature and metabolism.
Enhance post-workout recovery.
Trigger your lymphatic system to circulate, flushing out any body waste or toxins.
Increases in human growth hormone, responsible for muscle growth.

Purify. Cleanse. Heal. Exposure to heat for these purposes is an ancient practice.
In a sauna, you’re exposed to short bursts of extreme heat which causes your body’s core temperature to increase. Your body always wants to be in a state of homeostasis (equilibrium with the body), so it works to cool itself down. Thermoregulation relies on a biological response from your neuroendocrine, cardiovascular, and cytoprotective systems. During your sauna sessions, your body is essentially training and conditioning itself to better respond to the change in equilibrium.
There is a plethora of research into saunas. Benefits associated with regular sauna use include:
- An overall increase in life expectancy
- Improved cardiovascular health (including lowering blood pressure)
- Improved immune function
- Pain and muscle recovery
- Better sleep
- Detoxification through sweat
- Stress reduction
- Decreased risk of dementia
- Improved skin health

Immersing yourself in ice-cold water causes your body to have a stress response, pushing yourself out of your physical and mental comfort zone. This is the ‘good stress’ though - known as hormesis - that helps your body build physical and mental resilience.
Using our ice baths opens you up to a range of benefits, including:
- Reducing stress
- Helping your muscles to recover
- Improving sleep
- Supporting better moods and mental resilience

Soak in the benefits of our luxurious stainless steel hot tub. Although incredibly relaxing, the hot plunge offers so much more. It can also help you to:
- Recover from your last workout or injury
- Manage your stress levels and give you a more restorative sleep
- Detoxify your body and reduce inflammation.
For anyone suffering from muscle or joint pain, try our hot plunge for relief. The heat of the hot plunge increases blood flow which helps our muscles to recover, prevents stiffness and promotes joint homeostasis.

Massage and Bodywork are key in moving your body from a state of imbalance to equilibrium.
- Lowers levels of stress hormones, while increasing serotonin and dopamine (the hormones that make you feel good!)
- Reduces acute and chronic pain
- Improves circulation around your body, boosting healing and reducing inflammation
- Boosts immunity by increasing while blood cell production
- Helps with severity and frequency of headaches and migraines
- Improves flexibility and stiffness in the body
Purify. Cleanse. Heal. Exposure to heat for these purposes is an ancient practice.
In a sauna, you’re exposed to short bursts of extreme heat which causes your body’s core temperature to increase. Your body always wants to be in a state of homeostasis (equilibrium with the body), so it works to cool itself down. Thermoregulation relies on a biological response from your neuroendocrine, cardiovascular, and cytoprotective systems. During your sauna sessions, your body is essentially training and conditioning itself to better respond to the change in equilibrium.
There is a plethora of research into saunas. Benefits associated with regular sauna use include:
- An overall increase in life expectancy
- Improved cardiovascular health (including lowering blood pressure)
- Improved immune function
- Pain and muscle recovery
- Better sleep
- Detoxification through sweat
- Stress reduction
- Decreased risk of dementia
- Improved skin health
Immersing yourself in ice-cold water causes your body to have a stress response, pushing yourself out of your physical and mental comfort zone. This is the ‘good stress’ though - known as hormesis - that helps your body build physical and mental resilience.
Using our ice baths opens you up to a range of benefits, including:
- Reducing stress
- Helping your muscles to recover
- Improving sleep
- Supporting better moods and mental resilience
Soak in the benefits of our luxurious stainless steel hot tub. Although incredibly relaxing, the hot plunge offers so much more. It can also help you to:
- Recover from your last workout or injury
- Manage your stress levels and give you a more restorative sleep
- Detoxify your body and reduce inflammation.
For anyone suffering from muscle or joint pain, try our hot plunge for relief. The heat of the hot plunge increases blood flow which helps our muscles to recover, prevents stiffness and promotes joint homeostasis.
Massage and Bodywork are key in moving your body from a state of imbalance to equilibrium.
- Lowers levels of stress hormones, while increasing serotonin and dopamine (the hormones that make you feel good!)
- Reduces acute and chronic pain
- Improves circulation around your body, boosting healing and reducing inflammation
- Boosts immunity by increasing while blood cell production
- Helps with severity and frequency of headaches and migraines
- Improves flexibility and stiffness in the body